Time to work on some syntax-based coding! In the specialist series, you will learn programming languages such as Lua, Python, HTML and many more.
Game Development
Under the Game Development series, students will be learning how to utilise Roblox to build full blown games. To develop Roblox games, students will be learning how to code in Lua.

Python has become one of the most commonly used programming language in the world. In this series, students will be learning the basics of Python and familiarising with the syntax.
Digital Maker
Under the Intermediate Digital Maker series, students will developing unique python projects using a microcontroller. This will allow students to learn how to create their own independent projects in future.
A.I. Applications
Under this Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Application series, students will learn how to develop machine learning models using an online software to power their very own A.I. projects.

We would like to warmly introduce to you to our all-new unique digital maker series. Students will be making very exciting applications using hardware and software.
To see is to believe! Students will not only learn how to build websites but also to develop their very own websites using various frameworks.
Web Development
Learning to program website is a really daunting task to take on. We believe learning how to utilise drag and drop components will be a great stepping stone for students to enjoy web development.
Web Development
Let's walk the talk! In this advanced series, students will learn HTML,CSS and JavaScript to build their very own website. Along these three languages, students will learn how to utilise commonly used frameworks.